Sugar slam dumps violent j – was amb involved


sugar slam has dumped violent j
rumer is one of the axe murder boys was involved and that this all started with eshams diss last year…….

5 responses to “Sugar slam dumps violent j – was amb involved

  1. Get the fuck out of here with your bs!


  2. Fuck JH. LOL! These bitches are so desperate to stir some shit up, all they do is make stuff up. Lick my sweaty balls after a jog you hater ass faggots.

  3. You people have absolutly no idea what your talking about. My lawyer has reviewed all of your posts not only are most of your claims false and misleading they are legaly considered slander. You have the right to the freedom of speech but not when its all lies. My lawyer would love a lawsuit but we have discussed it in detail and decided it is not in the best interest of ICP. The most hated band in the world could care less about a few more haters… I hold stock in many companies and v.p. of one as well so as a self proclaimed Juggalette your claims stating that we are all mindless criminals is effects me personaly…this is not a threat only a warning to watch what you say very carefully because there are other people in a position such as mine that would file against you….

  4. Smily the Clown

    yo man u guys ar azz holes no need to be dissing the hatchet we have done nothing to yo azz mf haterz

  5. FAGGOT JUGGALO HOLOCAUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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