Tag Archives: juggalo holocaust

Insane clown posse tryie to set juggalo gang against cops beacause they forgot to book a concert venue..

juggalo gang against police

Insane clown posse juggalo gang against police

One of the lowest moves by icp ever , setting their fans against innocent local police because they forgot to book a concert venue – here is the police response.

Prince William County Police Department The Police Department and Sheriff’s Office have issued no prior statements to the public regarding any concerns with this concert. We do not have the authority to deny anyone the ability to perform at a private venue. It is our understanding that there was a scheduling conflict at the venue, which is in our county, due to another concert already being scheduled on that date. In addition, we learned that the concert was not officially booked at the venue and the proper channels were not completed before the concert was advertised to the public. Either way, this is an issue between the concert organizer and the private venue, not law enforcement. We are not sure where this misinformation was originally obtained.

Juggalo holocaust member the boy blue running CI

Long term juggalo holocaust member and known associate of the juggalo holocaust member Mr Ceo aka Killa-mo 187 is running some CI

Wisconsin man convicted of cutting off woman’s finger during Juggalo ritual

BROWN COUNTY, WI (WBAY) – A Wisconsin man accused of amputating a woman’s finger with a machete will be sentenced in February after pleading no contest Thursday to second-degree reckless injury.

Prosecutors say Jonathan Schrap and others were at what the woman called a ritual at Schrap’s home last August to remember a fellow Insane Clown Posse fan — or Juggalo — who had died last year.

The woman told investigators she volunteered to have her arm cut and her finger cut off and she didn’t want anyone charged.

According to investigators, Schrap used a machete to make a deep cut on her arm and drank the blood from the cut. Later, someone brought up the idea of cutting off someone’s finger, and the woman volunteered her pinky. She said she was not using drugs or alcohol when this happened.

Her right pinky finger was amputated to the palm of her hand, causing her to bleed profusely. They attempted to cauterize the wound with a blow torch. When she went to her boyfriend’s house, the boyfriend’s mother convinced her to go to the emergency room, where hospital staff called police.

A charge of mayhem against Schrap was dismissed in Thursday’s plea hearing but can still be weighed by the judge when sentencing Schrap on the reckless injury charge.

That sentencing is on February 24.

Insane Clown Posse plan 2017 march on Washington

As part of its ongoing battle with the FBI, the Insane Clown Posse is planning a march on Washington, D.C. with its fanbase, who are known as Juggalos.

The announcement was made at this weekend’s Gathering of the Juggalos festival in Thornville, Ohio. ICP and its fans will take the nation’s capital on Sept. 16, 2017, frontman Joe “Violent J” Bruce announced.

“In 2017, the weekend of Sept. 17, we need you. We’re gonna do a (expletive) march on Washington,” J told fans during the group’s seminar discussion at the Gathering, an announcement that was met with hearty applause. “They call the Juggalo World a movement, right? Well, let’s move!”

J also announced the group would be throwing “a huge Juggalo concert” that weekend, free of charge, at Jiffy Lube Live in nearby Bristow, Virginia.

The route for the march was also unveiled. It will begin at the Lincoln Memorial, proceed down Constitution Ave. and will end at the Washington Monument, where artists and fans will speak about what it means to be a Juggalo.

“We are going to explain to the world who the (expletive) we really are,” J said. The following day, on Sunday, Sept. 17, the group will throw a picnic for fans, J said.

ICP has been entangled with the FBI since Juggalos were classified as a “loosely organized hybrid gang” in the FBI’s 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report. In 2014, ICP sued the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department over the designation, but the lawsuit was dismissed by a federal judge. ICP appealed the ruling, and won an appeal in an Ohio court in September 2015.

Regarding the march, J said he was unsure how it would be received. “We don’t know what’s going to happen,” he said. “We could totally embarrass ourselves, and there could be 25 people (that show up).”

The Gathering of the Juggalos closed out its 17th year on Saturday night with a performance by ICP.


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Greatest day in juggalo holocaust history – Insane Clown Posse loses to FBI: Juggalos classified a gang

A US district court has reaffirmed the FBI’s decision to classify Juggalos—fans of the Insane Clown Posse music group—as a gang. The federal law enforcement agency has considered the followers gang members since at least 2011, when a report revealing the classification was leaked. The band reacted the way any violent gang leader would: by filing a lawsuit. RT’s Lindsay France takes a look at the court’s decision.

Newest Juggalo Holocaust Member – Runae Moon

I Runae Moon am dropping the hatchet – I have had enough of the juggalo ways and I now hate juggalos – Horrorflik Musick for life and Long live the Juggalo holocaust and Land of the banned – WHOOP WHOOP – More like POOP POOP aha ha . XOXO Runae Moon

New Juggalo Holocaust Forums – GOTJ 2015 Invasion


Register now

Juggalo moron lawyer attacks spelling and grammar – threatens site shutdown over the word holocaust

This is they types of juggalo morons that comes here – making threats and claiming ICP and juggalos are invisible while their new clothing line launches at wallmart….

I’m currently in the process of getting information to build and complete a research project. The way I see it so far, (BTW I’m a juggalos #educated #get some real insults #spell check illiterate fuck) if u don’t like us that’s dandy, we don’t care, it’s a huge part of the claim of being the most hated band/fan base in the world. Ur fueling it with the bigoted half brained insipial thoughts. How many groups have u ever seen go back into hiding cuz u threw a shitty made video up and said we were a gang? which just so the records straight was dropped because the FBI failed to follow proper procedure. I’ve never once heard of a successful extinguishment of any groups by being a raging cunt on a web page no real number of people have seen. Let alone comparing this act to a holocaust just cuz u don’t like us? We have entire albums depicting the brutalization and disembodiment of people that act like this yet u don’t see us making copies of the lyrics and shoving it all over the web. By technical legal standards a case could likely be drawn based off that name for a page as being a threat. It would be my suggestion to do as I’m doing, do ur fucking homework or back the fuck off. Stop spraying shit about the things u don’t know or understand. Stop fabricating your own facts based of hallucinations that uve created at ur own will of what we are. I don’t know a single juggalos that A flies around on these sights being immature and acting as tho they never evolved, equally so, non-juggalos your claim to fame in this is that were all some dumb gangster fuck-tard community yet u spend hours and hours and hours to do for all tense and purpose nothing except keep us obvious. In the early 2000’s we went underground and virtually became invisible because reporters pulled there cameras out of our asses and we went back to the shadows where we feel at home. If ud stop pulling gas on the flames I would burn out and wed all go our own way. Equally so we can make case of numerous things that people follow habitually be it TV, sports, teams, or yes bands that’s would make most people look like total degenerates. Every single one of us on th is ball of mud we call home have skeletons and secretes and it isn’t th e worlds duty to make that shit public. I’ve never gotten on Facebook or google or anything and had ICP shit jump out into my lap in some horribly offensive manner. I’ve never had an ICP song interrupt my jams when I haven’t meant it too. None of it. Even today in our heightened popularity in the media u don’t just trip over us, we remain out of the way. Its people like you that make us enjoy this music, its ur words, your attitude, all of it that makes us love what we’ve chosen to follow. And would u stop poking the wild animals and feeding them peanut butter like a dog as an earlier poster said wed stop trying to bite u and wed go back to the woods where were happier in the first place. I can promise of everyone would shut the fuck up and drop the cock fight of this topic in a month ud never hear about it again. Rant concluded. BTW. Mmfwcl FAM. Whoop, fuckin’ whoop. And have a wicked awesome day the rest of u.

Juggalos in 2015 – Still a gang

Juggalo refers to the subculture of fans of Insane Clown Posse and other hip-hop groups on Psychopathic Records. Violent J, one half of the duo Insane Clown Posse, coined the word during a concert in 1994 when he referred to the audience as “Juggalos.” Identified more by its image than its sound, the Juggalo music style includes fans and bands that wear scary clown face paint, communicate with gang signs, and listen to violent hip-hop. Since 2000, Psychopathic Records has sponsored The Gathering of The Juggalos, a four-day event in which groups on the label perform hard-core hip-hop and fans watch wrestling matches.

The aggression and violence in Juggalo lyrics has expanded into real life. Some juggalos have made the news with their criminal activity such as robbery, assault, selling drugs, and even murder. Although the Juggalo subculture contains nonviolent members, the FBI controversially officially classifies Juggalos as aloosely organized hybrid gang.