Tag Archives: TheBoyBlue91982

Juggalo holocaust member boy blue thanks the juggalo holocaust

thanks to our employee the boyblue for his juggalo holocaust brainwashing vids.

Juggalo prays to crucifix made of icp cds

some juggalos claim they are Christian or that insane clown posse christian band or that they follow god ,
sorry but even if this is satire it is offensive and just shows how bad the juggalo cult is getting.

Help Juggalo Holocaust member TheBoyBlue91982 out

Juggalo Holocaust member TheBoyBlue91982  aka The Boy Blue 91982 aka buttsecks needs your help , help vote for his definitions out fam.

The Juggalo Cult Exposed Part 5 (The Carny Conclusion)

The Juggalo Cult Exposed Part 5 (The Carny Conclusion)

you guys need to get a life, the end
Wow these last 5 vids are must watch for any parent of juggalos or any teacher dealing with juggalos in class .
Notice idiots quoting violent js book like the bible — THESE PEOPLE NEED HELP VIOLENT J IS NOT A PROPHET – VIOLENT J IS THE NEXT JIM JONES

Juggalo holocaust steals juggalos hat

if you won the fight , where is your hat then LMAO

TheBoyBlue91982 – The Boy Blue 91982 gives Juggalo holocaust Shout Outs

TheBoyBlue91982 – The Boy Blue 91982 gives Juggalo holocaust Shout Outs

Thanks for advertising the site, homie. Keep up the good work.

Thanks blue aka buttsecks

nedenmaster16 , the boy blue – JH at GOTJ 2010

many of the Juggalo holocaust members and insiders including nedenmaster16 and the boy blue will be attending the Gathering of the Juggalos .

Run Juggalos

TheBoyBlue91982 and JH Comander will attend the GOTJ

TheBoyBlue91982 a Juggalo holocaust insider spy who supply’s addresses and information on juggalos , and JH Comander a high rank member of the JH will be attending the Gathering of the Juggalos 2010.

Attention Juggalo holocaust – TheBoyBlue91982 revealed

One of the JH commanders hits youtube to reveal a few juggalo spys

he has been watching your videos and comments and wants to reveal the truth of the juggalo holocaust

TheBoyBlue91982 is a JH insider